About the Institute
It’s the i4x advantage.

Every organization can benefit from insightful outside analysis. I4x helps improve service delivery by analyzing processes, identifying inefficiencies and recommending process improvements to eliminate wasteful gaps. We provide operational studies, advisory services, development of standard operating procedures and other services to help you get from good to great.
Sometimes situations arise when your organization needs to develop and/or implement a project, but lacks capacity to take advantage of the opportunity or meet the challenge. The i4x project management team helps move any project from concept to completion. On time, on budget, in scope; total quality.
When the way forward means understanding root causes and theory, i4x policy wonks are ready to get the study going. Team leaders often hold terminal degrees, and are affiliated with major colleges, university research facilities and think tanks.
Think i4x if you need scholarly, professional and timely policy analysis or policy development; and a best practices approach.
All leaders are challenged with setting priorities that leverage resources to meet immediate short-term needs and long-term, strategic goals. Simple, but not easy. Transformative leaders understand that the organization’s vision and mission must infuse and inspire the workforce. The i4x organizational development team deploys fully customized, strategic training to upskill your team. From inspiration to practical application, we help identify the key actions and resources you can leverage across the enterprise to reach landmark goals.
It often comes down to capacity. If your organization could use a range of support services – from a conference call to brainstorm next steps to a quick but seasoned response to an environmental crisis, the i4x team deploys efficiently and effectively to support your mission.
When key positions are left vacant, the organization may become less effective, as it takes time to find the best professional to lead. When an internal interim candidate is not the answer, or the situation requires a skilled, but temporary – resource, consider i4x your best asset. I4x consultants have held a range of leadership positions and stand ready to quickly and effectively fill short or long-term assignments.